
"Keeper of the Flame"

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

For over 30 years...
Charlie DeLeo has kept Liberty's light shining brightly...

To keep light on Lady Liberty, we need 800 bulbs...
Too bad it's not as easy to get our elected officials to read:
-The Constitution [Read] and the Bill of Rights: [Read]

Today's Video Links... (new window)
-Lady Liberty says, "Enough is enough." VIEW.
Constitution Hijacks:
Replacing Freedom: Hr3962, Hr875, S733, Hr1388, Hr45, Hr2454.

Arizona's "New" law is not new... It's 70 years old!
First enacted by FDR! (Dems call it, "Misguided"... Haha!)
-VIDEO from Gateway: HERE.

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