The core principals of our Nation is freedom for Life & Liberty...
Essential distinctions found in this VIDEO; as people continue to awaken from that which divides & lures us into our own destruction...
-Our most solemn duty remains...
To vote-out the "Universal Order" big Govt Internationalists, and those incumbents; regardless of party-line... Ours is a strive to legally end the long downward spiral of abuses, which (for years) have crushed our Nation & Liberties; enriching elitist's interests at the expense of our future!
-Democrats, Republicans, Independents...
While Govt-forces separate us by playing on our “trivial” differences; they are able to take away "essential" Freedoms! Liberty is non-partisan!
-Stand United together… VOTE THEM OUT (2010/11)
Today's Video Links...
-A debate from the past; because a present debate isn’t allowed:
-VIDEO: Debate representing Liberty: VIEW.
-When Govt spends our money it somehow isn't inflationary; but when we spend it, it is... Well, we can sure see the Government's effect today, as they sign for oil drilling absent the demand for rigorous standards [PDF]
--More Govt investigating Govt: VIEW. (with platitudes)
-Hey, why not just take away the PEN?
-(70) years of Government mishaps; & a Constitution w/ cob-webs!
-VIDEO: Stand Beside Her: VIEW.
-VIDEO: The gulf states have been here before: VIEW.
-It was countrymen helping countrymen that made our nation...
And our Soldiers' oath to Liberty...
-NOTE: Away for a few days; will try to post while on travel.