Under Obama, deportations are at an all time high: Read.
Massive border-crime requires that we must ask citizenship questions!
(Video below) policy Obama-DEMS laud in standing ovation!
As tens of thousands of Guatemalans, are profiled for murder, rape, and extortion, inside Mexico... (Solution below video)
Migrants traveling for jobs, where jobs and resources cannot sustain them, is dangerous; when the ONLY way to reduce poverty will always be inside the country of their origin...
Must View 4 Min. Video (below)
Why unlimited immigration does not reduce poverty...
Obama team removed private Tax-exempt status which eliminates thousands of PRIVATE volunteer groups from going to the countries to make that only real difference which can be made… Inside their OWN countries.
Today we see Obama organizing the Int'l community against one of our States...These actions negligently omit truth.. While Obama uses the SAME FED/AZ Immigration Law set forth by FDR; they project a blind-eye as to the true reality; all to further a deeply flawed agenda...
-Now Castro is calling the AZ Law Brutal?
Who speaks up for the hackings below the border?
Arizona is in serious need of Federal help!
Never have we had our Leadership become an enemy to the State...
Look at this:
At West Point, Obama talks up national security strategy Read!
"We will promote these values above all by living them -- through our fidelity to the rule of law and our Constitution (---)
"We have succeeded by steering those currents in the direction of liberty and justice -- so nations thrive by meeting their responsibilities, and face consequences when they don't."
"We have brought hope to the Afghan people; now we must see that their country does not fall prey to our common enemies," he said.
President Platitude... While empowering Iran, destabilizing Honduras, hush-hush about Migrants hacked each day in Mexico... He smears AZ internationally for using the same FED LAW he ramped-up in the last year... And in Afghanistan, he prevents Military's ability to respond to in-coming fire, resulting in the deaths of many our troops; while using drones, as the least respectable alternative...
God hope our Military's duty sees beyond platitudes!