
"The greatest task before civilization at present is to make machines what they ought to be, the slaves; instead of the masters of men." H. Ellis 1859

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

Ellis passed away in the 30's, having missed the century's most tragic attempt of man's enslavement of fellow man... And today, he's right... We've centered our lives around machines to such an extent, that should malfunctions occur; it is humanoids who are rendered inoperative...

As the use of Technology has elevated, enhanced, and extended our human experience; it has also transformed our human reaction and impulse... And as Robotics further evolve into cognitive intelligence; we remain (perhaps) less aware of our own part in this adaptation...
(We've become the thought; they've become the thinker)

-VIDEO: Robot Baby Shows Off Brain: VIEW.
Researchers in France develop a baby robot that has the capacity to interpret its surroundings...(2009)

-Video: Evolution of Robots: VIEW.

Today's Videos...
-Evolution of a "Cultural Icon" VIEW.
-Artists view our relationship to TECH: VIEW.
-Robots with a mind of their own: VIEW.

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