The Penguins like it! (2007)
Image: [Enlarge]
UPDATE: They do look delighted... It is warmer, greater abundance of fish, longer mating cycles, amidst what humans fear, as their "troubling" adaptability; but Penguins have a powerful adaptability instinct... There is certanty that wildlife will adapt to earth's revolving cycles of change....
But man's adaptibility?
(Continued below video)
Man's adaptibility has yet to be seen... If history is our judge, mass migrations are the way out of the coming Ice age...(post warming period); and likely we'll be following the Penguins...
More than 50 ships stuck in Baltic Sea ice! Read.
"As soon as they break the ice, it freezes over again," sea rescue spokesman Peter Lindquist said. He said no one was hurt and there were no immediate plans to bring people off the ships, but helicopters and military hovercraft were on standby in case evacuations would become necessary. Read.
Image: Drudge: Baltic Scrunch
On Surber's blog:
Someone asked, "Am I dreaming it or did Obama promise during his election campaign that he would make the seas part?"
Mwalimu Daudi replies:
"The Messiah promised to lower the ocean levels, which beats Moses’ puny Red Sea parting." :D