"This is a laboratory of successful conservative governance. As Daniels put it to NR, “Our health-care plan is health savings accounts for poor people. Our telecommunications policy is deregulation. Our infrastructure policy was the biggest privatization in state history.” And his spending policy was less is more." Read.
Image: Gov. of Indiana
"Daniels has successfully courted business investment and has welcomed "two Toyota plants, a Honda factory, a $500-million Nestlé facility, and a British Petroleum project that will bring $3.8 billion to the state." ##
Skilled at working with Int'l partners; he is also a grandson of Syrian immigrants; and was honored by the Arab-American Institute for his work in the community. Video: Gov. Mitch Daniels outlined his budget proposals for fiscal years 2010-2011...
The Progressives (formerly called Democrats) held Majority charge of U.S. purse strings, yet claim to have "inherited" their spending; but (still in Majority) have significantly "ramped it up."
But the truth is, they lack a correct formula...
In 2005, Governor Daniels led the state to its first balanced budget in eight years and turned the $600 million deficit he inherited, into a $300 million surplus in a single year. Governor Daniels used this surplus to repay hundreds of millions of dollars the state had borrowed from Indiana's public schools in previous administrations...Read.
Now, with his state's billion dollar reserves... America would look entirely different with a President Mitch Daniels...
Did I mention approval ratings hovering near 70%?" Freeps explains that he is a down to earth, smart, modest individual; no word if he will agree to run.