One would hope that the salvation of a tiny bird, could bring about the beginning of a new Society; devoid of strong-hold influence by radicalized groups... If not, I guess we'll know, which sanctuary we can find them.
-A little birdie told me.... (haha)
-Article Here.
Image:(l) Mustafa Zahir, director-general Afghanistan's National E.P.A. shows rare bird; Sun Feb. 28th, 2010; (r) a photo of a rare bird during a press conference in Kabul, Afghanistan on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010. (A.P)
(r) KABUL, Jan 06, 2009: Mustafa Zahir, E.P.A. head, briefs emergency committee for pollution; at Presidential Palace; PAJHWOK/Nilab Habibi
More Video: Here.
"On Friday, suicide attackers killed 16 people in Kabul, the capital, and thousands of Afghan and NATO forces are fighting to root out the hard-line Islamists from their southern stronghold.
But Zahir, who is the grandson of Afghanistan's former king, Mohammad Zahir Shah, said the discovery of the large-billed reed warbler provided some welcome positive news."Read.