
Sharp barbs (& Journalist) tossed at Coakley’s D.C. (Pharm/HMO) fundraiser

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France & US)

"So think of these top donor to health-care reform's 60th vote next time President Obama claims that he's battling the special interests in this battle. The army listed below is on Obama's side, and these clients will all benefit from "reform." SOURCE.


-VIDEO: Reporter Tossed outside Coakley fundraiser
And the Barb-toss...

(H/T floppingaces)

"Martha Coakley: The voice for Fat Cats and Corruptocrats"

PURPLE between patient & Doctor: gives $685,000 more.

End Democrat's strategy of (dead or alive) voting, as U.S. citizens must decide!

And this Democrat motto must END, in every State:
"It is not the votes that count, but who counts the votes." – Josef Stalin

I'm looking forward to our NEW Senator in California, who is very much like Brown! ...Arnie's job trying to cut and reduce debt, would have looked a whole lot different for our State, right about now...

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