A defining moment in our history... And as the present Government pushes a massive bill which will shift of definition of U.S. Citizens as Sovereigns, to Citizens as subjects...
This is not acceptable to our Constitution, People, or Republic... Tonight, Rep Ryan (R) addresses important issues in behalf of an alternative solution for our Nation.
Image: Hillsdale College
-Ed Morrissey's phone interview w/ Rep Ryan...
Video Speech will update (below) this AUDIO...
It is also noted that Republicans have finally received a response from their request to engage Obama in debate... This will be the first acceptance!
Amidst Democrat's Obamacare bribes... Wouldn't it have been easier to just engage all of America's Representatives; as their Constituients represent U.S. Citizen majority who want a Conservative solution to an 11-to 18% problem? (The answer is in the question)