
Happy 234th Birthday, USMC-09!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

From two battalions on November 10, 1775, to the strongest & most valued strength of our Nation!
Image: General J. Conway (2009)


Cake for Our Heroes!... More Images.

Pride of the U S: Marine Corps, and family...
Video Message to the Marines...

History: The 1775 Second Continental Congress commissioned 31-year-old Samuel Nicholas, a well-known Philadelphian, as captain of the fledgling force of Continental Marines. Thus began, the long, illustrious history of dedication to 'Nation & each other'...

A Message: VIEW VIDEO ht: from -LINK

Happy 234th Birthday, Marines! Michelle Malkin
Nov 10, 2009... Happy Birthday Marines! Make your wish for a new Commander in Chief, then blow out the candles... 10:12 AM - 1 hour ago -

UPDATE: A Great NRCC Video at Gateway's:
Veterans Day: A Day to Honor Our Bravest: VIDEO.

Today's VIDEOS (Not related to Marine Birthday)
RANGER UP. (Marine Vet Defense Techniques) Blackfive
Defense moves...

VIDEO: Aussie Beccy Cole's Poster Girl: View.

It's not just civilians who know... Details

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