
"Grinch that stole your healthcare" -freeps

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Why reform just the 12%...
Gov. will take it all! -Fed-grinch
Image: from Freerepublic

HUGE percentages do not want this 3 trillion$ Monster!
Yes 3 trillion: (new SBO analysis)

Dan Mitchell (Cato Institute) gives the real costs:
VIDEO: Obamacare would be a budget buster! MUST VIEW.

Reid says health bill will be done by Christmas read.
Video ht: Hotair

Democrats speak highly of their Social Security and Medicare programs; forgetting that they ALL HAVE FAILED! The new bill would require a bail-out in a year...(or 3 months!) We hope this unconstitutional bill is not passed... If so, ALL Reps of Congress will be out in 2010!

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