
Operation: "Can You Hear Us Now?" nationwide media protests

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Saturday's protests against media bias outside the studios of ABC News and CBS News in Chicago, during their live broadcasts... They're a media who took its orders, and...OVER one million, two hundred and fifty thousand [9/12/09] voices, from 52 states, "conveniently" disappeared.

"CAN YOU HEAR US NOW?!" (read more below)

Via: the partiot rooom
The Chicago Tea Party Patriots held a protest March on the Media...
More here.

The Media has failed the American people, as they forgo their duty as a free press... "We the people intend this day to act as a "shot across the bow" so to speak as a warning to the ships in the Main Stream Biased Media fleet.

"Return to patrolling the waters of democracy with objectivity, fairness and balance. Act once again as a check on political corruption and tyranny instead of being a party to it. Ignore this "warning shot" to your own peril. If you continue to persist in your complicit behavior with big government and the political establishment, you shall suffer the same fate as the proud Titanic – sunken this time by a colossal iceberg called "WE THE PEOPLE"

Approximately 100 patriots gathered at 4:00pm outside of ABC news studios on State Street in Chicago. We sang God Bless America, The National Anthem and chanted "report the news" "do your jobs" "can you hear us now?" etc...

After about 1/2 hour, we marched on over to CBS News studios. The folks at CBS saw us coming and pulled down the window shades to the studio...
LOL, cowards...
More chanting commenced.

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