A picture of the will of a FREE people...
Positioning themselves to remind the temporary custodians of the articles & declarations in our U.S. Constitution...
PIC: From Barb_NC
VIDEO: A GOP mom (D.C. pics)
Nimo says, "If Obama and the Democrats ram the deathcare bill through the House by way of “reconciliation,” the opposition will redouble its numbers and once again take to the streets." Vis-à-vis (below) But, larger!
They've sufficiently awaken the Republic!
Sleeping leaders should know that for each (1) in attendance, there are 25,000 others.. (Like a LIBERTY Virus!) Leaders should do the math and understand the economy... We're it!!
And yet another picture worth a thousand words! Here!
Distinct differences between the aftermath of Obama Inauguration...
And the 2 million strong 9-12 Freedom Rally...Here.
VIDEO After Inauguration: View.
HT: obamahorror
Today's Links...
ACORN Scandal Hits London Media: Read.
Barack's ACORN ring-leader was here first; and then went here.
We'll be watching his 572 name-changes, too...