
Honduras enacts 45 day suspension of liberties; to halt an insurrection

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Honduran Gov ultimatums ignored.
For many eyes around the world, we are seeing political organizations over-rule a Nation's legislative Congress, via insurrection of a political exile...
Constitutional Law Issues [PDF]

A host of reasons why it is wrong for large organizational bodies to use their power to publicly endorse agenda which might serve to incite populations...
Not only does it further undermine organizational standings; but UN, EU, OAS should know by now, that violence has a propensity to spread regionally... And any challenge or dispute should be made clear, its place in Council hearing.

-UPDATE: Ousted Honduran Leader Calls UN by Cell Phone: Read.
We all know that smaller countries are easily destabilized and collapse under weight... This gives the impression that they are part-and-parlay...
US demands return of Zelaya; and so he returned: Read.

Hondurans hope to prevent foreign-backed uprising.
Ironic, isn't it... That world bodies criticize Honduras for restriction of movement; yet had the world body not interfered in this Nation's affairs; Honduras would not be locked-down to protect their survival...

UN, EU, OAS, implementing Honduran laws?
Must Read: the Congressional Research Service’s Honduras:
Constitutional Law Issues [PDF]
Organizations lend their credibility, far too freely

I fear that fine people of Honduras face tragic uncertainty...
Time for an impartial intermediary to step forward...
One who will call for fair and impartial respect for national cultures and laws; and who will stand for resolution as pertains to the host Nation's laws...

Today's Links...
Article: American Thinker: read.
Legal findings at:
Scribd Report; The Law Library: Here.
Honduras restricts liberties to prevent rebellion: Read.

From Faustasblog's:
The Iran-Venezuela Carnival of Latin America and the Caribbean
Mary Anastasia O’Grady explains Brazil’s role, in today’s WSJ:
Honduras Just Wants an Election
The U.S. demand that Mr. Zelaya be returned to power before a vote is destructive.

Honduras puts off OAS delegation...
The Micheletti government in Honduras delays a visit by OAS foreign ministers. The U.N. Security Council warns against any violation of the Brazilian Embassy.

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