
MSNBC Crops shot of Black Man Carrying AR-15... To SPIN "white racial overtones"

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Never mind that the devil is the details of the Healthcare reform bill; "failing" MSNBC pans full frontal views of white rally participants; making it, "white racial tension"...

And never mind that the purpose of the rally is NOT to promote weapons-carry; & has never been present in six months that they ignored the rallies... MSM has finally arrived; and instead of covering thousands of Americans strategists, Medical associations, and private citizens...
Go figure; they SPIN 'guns & racial over-tones' to hijack the real debate

Video (below) from AceHQ
(Lists full numbers of NBC)
More at hotair...

Listen, in his own words, why this fool brought an AR-15 to a rally... Nowhere in this story is there a mention of racial over-tones.

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