Wednesday’s Eclipse:
next lengthy in 2032
Lovely star formation amidst the sun constant... Darkness at Dawn!
VIDEO: Diamond formation in India! BIG SCREEN! (Fast-forward)
VIDEO: Total Solar Eclipse (Record Blackout) National Geographic
In other news...
Here they are! Funny how even a battery change is completely interesting.
(When it's a NASA/JAXA Team of Astronauts...that is)
Here they are on the ISS, 8 hours ago...
Today's Links...
-Tiny Saturn Moon Could Be Targeted in Search for Extraterrestrial Life: PhysOrg - July 22, 2009
-NASA Mission Gets Closer to Solving Magnetic Reconnection Mystery: VIDEO HERE.
Astronauts on twitter...
ASTRO 127: (Polansky) On the ISS Mission
NASA_Astronauts: Here.
-New Images Indicate Object Hits Jupiter: read.