
Military dedicated to defending Lady Liberty and the U.S. Constitution

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Yesterday we honored the 65th Anniversary of D-Day Dedication of those who stood for Freedom, and this great Republic... Today it is time to remind all...
FACT: The troops' allegiance is not to a leader; they hold allegiance to the Nation! Fighting to protect Lady Liberty & Justice; and the Republic for which we stand!

Image: Lady Justice & Liberty

Our soldier's dedication: 'Principals over politics.'
VIDEO: The day the West freed itself from tyranny Hotair HERE.

Leaving the American people with the freedom to be able to judicially address, any attack upon Liberty and Justice' (such as) "the government’s astonishing encroachments upon prosperity of the United States, and the freedoms of its citizens." read.
-One down, dozens to go...Read!

"State Calls for an Article Five Convention: Mobilization and Interpretation"by Professor Gerard N. Magliocca
(Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis.)
READ more!

Final Revision, May 13, 2009, with Professor Barnett's Commentary
The Bill of Federalism in pdf format by clicking here.

More about these important Constitutional Freedoms, (Soon!)

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