
Obama's re-think of America; as a government dependency culture

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

A style of Gov. enlargement and dominance over private sector, has NOT proved to be profitable for Africa, outside of their leaders & assoc.
[ENLARGE] Click on photo

Obama Administration's pursuit toward broadening Government, is abhorrent of the African people's struggle to go beyond obstacles which held them away from independent (less Government) prosperity... Which actually perpetuated poverty.

Moya details the effects upon private industry, by Government domination.
NOTE: I would say that she is Pro- African progress, and not anti-Bono, as caption on video might suggest... The fact that there -IS- a difference, further validates her words...

While the West truly did strive to improve conditions for those less fortunate; we can safely say that African leaders have long been given capital, which inevitably and inadvertently hindered African growth... So too, will Obama Team's Gov. meddle, disenfranchise, & thus hinder U.S. citizen's growth...

Americans should realize the difficulty in reversing course of the Democrat's Socialist policy... As evidenced in African's struggle to change course, to show their true potential...

In 2010: We're fortunate to be able to Vote BAD ideas OUT!

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