
Spending mass sums, to reduce debt; is like stripping weaponry (to make us safe)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) (US trip!)

"The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States."Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, 10 October 1787

-European friends warn Americans:
Registration, restrictions, then confiscations: VIEW: VIDEO

Tricked by Gov; now they're a Nation of sitting ducks! Same tactics to watch for.
Sure looks more like "bigger dream bailout"... and not safety.
ht: instapundit...

And the 2nd Amendment is not a Privilege, it's a Right...
Crushed! Due Process & 2nd Amendment, all in one swoop!

From Freeper:
Obama will seek these 4 elements in a gun bill: read.
1. An expanded HR 45, gun owner licensing. All gun owners will have to have these licenses, even owners of facilimie weapons (AKA Airsoft and BB). Licenses will only be granted if the records of the applicant are clean (This includes misdemeanors from decades ago). Licensees will be required to hold $1 million in liability insurance. Possession of otherwise permitted weapons (See #3) without license is a felony.

2. Ammunition accountability... All ammo will be required to be microstamped and will be taxed $1/round. All non stamped ammo will be required to be turned in or thrown away. Possession of non-marked ammo is a felony. This part of the act also bans “Cop Killer” bullets.

3. Expanded “Assault Weapons” ban— This includes most all semiauto rifles, anything that can be “Bump Fired”, Semiauto handguns, and Semi-auto shotguns. It also includes pump-action shotguns and “Sniper Rifles” AKA your deer rifle.

4. Expansion of the Lautenbach amendment: Removes “Domestic Violence” as disqualifier to gun ownership, inserts any misdemeanor as disqualifer... Anyone with a misdemeanor on their record will be prohibited from owning a firearm. This includes DUI and traffic offenses, and offenses decades ago.

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