Animated Annular Solar Eclipse: 1.26.09
Image:Jeff Haynes
Asia, India enter into the Annular Solar Eclipse. Just in time for an usher in of year of the NIU , and the realization of the New Moon 6º Aquarius... Though would have terrified us during the Obama campaign (Haha)
-The application of belief has profound celestial influence...
Astrology is the shadow which follows Astronomy, therefore interesting "behavior analysis"... but (for me) not a prediction...
They are simply studies in behavior...
We're a tiny world of a greater force beyond our expectation…
The water carrier...

Interesting article from Spaceweather.com: Source
STRANGE ASTEROID: Newly-discovered asteroid 2009 BD is slowly passing by Earth today only 400,000 miles away. The small 10m-wide space rock poses no threat, but it merits attention anyway. The orbit of 2009 BD appears to be almost identical to the orbit of Earth. 2009 BD may be a rare co-orbital asteroid, circling the sun in near-tandem with our planet.
Extrapolating the motion of 2009 BD into the future, we see that it remains in the vicinity of Earth for many months to come, never receding farther than 0.1 AU (9.3 million miles) until Nov. 2010. Future observations may reveal the nature of this strange asteroid; stay tuned! [3D orbit] [ephemeris]
-Earth has a "second moon." Asteroid 2003 YN107: More.
Helix nebula, the closest planetary nebula to Earth at 450 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius: NASA's Helix nebula image
Gong Hei Fat Choi! (more later)
The Year of the Ox is beginning with a solar eclipse! On Monday, Jan. 26th, the same new Moon that triggers the Chinese Lunar New Year will pass directly in front of the sun--dead center--covering 93% of the solar disk. The ensemble will form a stunning "ring of fire" visible across the Indian Ocean: