"Democrats are wasting no time wasting all the money they were prevented from wasting since Reagan." read.
All they wanted to do was pass something, (anything)... Now run-a-way inflation and inverted yield curves will be the hallmark of Obama's Presidency...
Obama Adviser says:
Stimulus Plan is 'Totally Impractical'
IMAGE: Barbay Photoshop
ht: ace & slublog
Replay of Obama's campaign promises:
"And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government."
You mean, like Government Social Security?

George warned us about this...
Obama's Topsy-Turvy Stimulus Plan:
James Pethokoukis writes:
"What would help? A lower corporate tax rate, as well as a permanent extension of the 2008 expensing provisions and the 2003 dividend and capital gains and top marginal income tax rates." read more.

Pethokoukis gives 10 reasons why: read.
Today's Links...
Barroso: "Europe expects a lot from Barack Obama."
euronews: "But when you speak of say protectionism in the economy, is this just speculation, or a risk we might face with Obama?"
Barroso: "Can I tell you something? Certain leaders in the developing world, most of them on the left, have told me privately that they would have preferred a Republican candidate to win. That’s because they fear the protectionist policies of a Democratic President and Democratic Congress."