Why they rushed it: read.
"Support for Plan Slips to 42%!"
instapundit: Vote quick!
"It’s like the whole thing is just about steering money to supporters and cronies."
ACE says, "Opinion Dynamics poll says the public favors tax cuts over new spending as far as stimulus by 50% to 29%"
If it quacks like a duck...
We're the 50% of Taxpayers who pay 97% of All Taxes! read.
Obama speaks of "Pursuing our own version of happiness”.. Dems claim to make the stimulus available online; then can't explain the wasteful spending!
VIDEOS of those asked:
Neil asks Obama's 'Americans United for Change' about the non-stimulus:
Pelosi's explains how hundreds of millions for STD's stimulate jobs:
(wsj) Sovereign Debt Risk Looms Large This Year:
US shouldn't consume all available lending
ACE: Obama Attacks Greedy Wall St. Types With Noted Tax
-Republicans Object to Stimulus Dollars for ACORN.
It’s like the whole thing is just about steering money to supporters and cronies.
How much do they need to create their 'Zombie' community? 100 trillion? Maybe they'll trying to 'wing-it' on 10? Big bills, Bad history, and Dems abhorrent to the history; and 'protectionist policies' that caused the big "D".
God Help Us All: Video
This global crisis, contains all different issues... Some securities, some commodities, some inflationary spending. Note this video: Complaints come from leaders who are not accepted here, directly proportionate to the 'threat-level' they pose. Although I do not agree with all in the video (link above) it's BAD history of International groups; and a brunette lady, and collapse Lehman (and then, husband's group, AIG)... And today, NO trail is pursued!
Much preparation was required to lead the masses toward the choice of economical fear and scarcity; and much more preparation is required to lift oneself beyond it... Keep positive...(more later)