Does Obama have intentions of being a foreign policy president? more.
Now Majority's biggest nuisance is the 81% who still don't approve of them; & managed to stop some of their worst policies, like "crippling our ability to exchange data w/ foreign Nations to foil plots."
-More Links: Here, here, and here.
Making of a Private Club, warp...
Majority retains the tax code writer, who is up for felony income tax evasion...
And helped elect a Governor, who was never liked by the state; and now after his attempted Senate-sale, they work deals, keep mute, and silent; just to keep their club in place...
All they've ever really wanted was a Private Club...
Here's a private Club...
A little dramatic... (But, compare it to Media-Assassination.)
"Abrupt" Video Warning...
Party Loyalty? Loyalty to Americans? Oath of Office?
They have a vision of "party loyalty" and most get the picture of what's in store for those who don't fall into line... Their own "brand of Constitution, which applies to you, but doesn't apply to their own special team...
They withhold important questions concerning our new President... Sinister, and you can only hope it is not to "just to keep him in tow."
This is the ratchet of a few... And a concern by all Americans... And for once, I'm hoping that Obama will become the President that will see to rise above all of this... Regardless of the cohesion from a few... Time will tell...
Today's Links...
Congress Returns to Mostly Disapproving Constituency
Only 19% approve, slightly higher than all-time low of 14%November 17, 2008
As the 110th Congress returns for its final lame-duck session Monday, new Gallup polling shows that only 19% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while about three-quarters disapprove. Democrats are only slightly more positive about Congress’ performance than are Republicans. more.
Most Voters Say Leave My Health Insurance Alone! read more.
Indicted Illinois Governor Never Popular Among Voters: read.
Illinois Voters By 2-to-1 Say Politicians More Corrupt...
Than Corporate CEO’s! read.