Something that should never have been... Became.
And now, how or where were recipient's funds applied?
ht: Hotair (video from: americannewsproject)
Note: Barney Frank and other Dems engage in Freddie and Fannie-style denial, give themselves a raise; and then look to push-off 'oversight' blame...
Fact: Under the law, the congressional panel was required to release a report, 30 days after the bailout program began a deadline; long since passed.
At the time, some Republican lawmakers expressed concern that Democrats may avoid acting on the nomination, so that candidate Barack Obama can choose his own special inspector general after the election ...Flash-forward to today: Who's asleep?
An earlier question remains...
Who have we become, not to fight for our workers?
View Conservative Thaddeus McCotter... Seen here, speaking at the Financial Services Committee hearing... Old clip, but eloquent and poignant speech... As usual, he did not wavier in his stand for the hard-working people of America.
Note: His tone and message talks to the people, rather than 'at them'... And this message is clear. (House & Congress remain otherwise, dumbfounded.)
Today's Links...
Concerning the global financial panic: VIDEO.
"Considering how taxpayers' money around Washington isn't respected, a day shouldn't go by without having an inspector general checking on it," said Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member on the Finance Committee.