
On Travel (US) -Márta's Song (deep forest)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Auto-posted: 11/29/08...

By the time you receive this...
I'll be on a flight to my Grandmother's house! And then onward to visit my home in California, USA! I can't wait! :) And from what I understand, it's a 'spring-autumn' in the forest at Grandma's.

Ps: Scheduled a few posts, but should be near computer Monday...
As always... Think good thoughts.

Artistique Film: Deep Forest (Eric Mouquet and Michel Sanchez) France
Vocals: Márta Sebestyén from Hungary.
Song: An old "Csángó" folk song.
(Music from all parts of the world, together.)
Image above: Russian forest...

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