We the People have such a responsibility to protect and uphold the basic principals of the Articles of our Constitution. Not only to improve as a sound and fair society; but to protect the right of inquiry, for future generations.
It should be the duty of every elected official, be it Assembly, Senate, or at pre-Presidential level; to satisfy questions presented by US citizenry, through the legal process of our Federal court system.
The following 11 minute Video, introduces the legal questions presented to Obama... And (as in this case) legal delays have been the result...
Watch it, and see what you think...
Keep in mind, these are legal requests for (court-verified) records of birth, citizenship, and eligibility for office as POTUS under the Constitution... Not generally kept from public view... The failure to fulfill this request in an expeditions manner, really doesn't seem very Presidential, at all. -Oct 9th, 2008: BERG v. OBAMA et al -Filing 18 Here.
Personally, my biggest concern remains in policy… No matter whether you consider your personal political brand as liberal, moderate or conservative you really should take the time to Read this..
It's from Investors Business Daily, not some right wing publication or McCain's political camp, and it is a very revealing view of Democrat presidential candidate, Obama... View..