
Cuckoo Nest 'Housing Crisis' Deniers

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

In 2007-
Obama Says He Will Invite ACORN:

"To Shape the Agenda" as President!
View Video: here!
In 2008-
He denies that he worked with them!

G.P: More Obama webpage Scrub!

Follow the Interactive Map: Here.

The bottom of Obama's bus is getting pretty crowded...
The Video (by TNOYF) uses same clips by this ACORN group at a criminal hearing. It is satirical but nothing like Obama's reflections of 2007 history!
Seriously flawed policy crushed our Financial system, and yet, Leftists refused to listen to Senator McCain's Demands (see letter below)

They still deny it!! They say that it was some "other investment" which poisoned our Mortgage financial markets! This is absolutely NOT the case!

And they're still at it!! The dust hasn't even settled, and they're ready with their tax-payer give-aways! 150 Billion!
Pelosi Plans Immediate Spending Binge After if Obama Wins more.

Today's important Link:
McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fann & Fred!!
by (more by this author)
Posted 10/10/2008 ET -Updated 10/10/2008 ET
Sen. John McCain's 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial crisis, as HUMAN EVENTS learned from the letter [Click-to-Enlarge-Left] shown in full text.

McCain's letter -- signed by nineteen other senators -- said that it was "...vitally important that Congress take the necessary steps to ensure that [Fannie & Freddie Mac]...operate in a safe and sound manner.[and]..More importantly, Congress must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either...should fail."
Sen. Obama did not sign the letter, nor did any other Democrat!

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