Well, you learn something new everyday...
I just discovered, the Reptile Conspiracy!
Found, from this Video intro: Here
(The gentleman looked Nice enough.)
Reading more, I found this analysis:
"The Greys Are Mutants From Atlantis Who Bred With Lizards And Survived Earths Cataclysm."
- (I like this writer, so I looked at the links)
[Enlarge-Image] -Igor Siwanowicz
And then it gets very, very, complicated as I skip through the crack-pots... Alien-beings, Repizoid cryptozoology pseudoscience...
Which finally led me to:
The head Conspiracy Hunter!
He's the Brit version of Michael Moore... (Analysis below)
VIDEO: Lizards & Jews... (My appologies to the Queen; in advance)
Lengthy film... Here's my analysis:
I've the conclusion that this represents a way of expressing your disapproval of Society, its people, and system... And maybe even certain cultural existences...
I believe that the label being used (in this case, reptile) is a way to "pin" it on certain people, without having to criticize them for the real 'under-lying' reasons (above) ... What you cannot prove, exists on the edges of "however it will not become rejected"... And if it does; well then, you have a "new" complaint.
In conclusion...
It is less offensive to me, than the possibility that you are not free to express... But it does take more courage to seek council to heal some of the feelings which view such divisions... Reptiles? Non...
Here's another, that took the Reptilian Conspiracy, way too far!
Video: Reptile Shapeshifter: Here! HAHAHA!