UPDATE: Be careful how your vote, people...

The right to retain 'freedom of choice' and a Government that knows how to mind its own business, is the Video emphasis: HERE.
Image fat cat (Drudge)
While we still have no votes for an energy package... Americans for Prosperity attends an “energy convention” aimed at the creation of 'Government-controlled' choice. -And this: VIDEO

Reigh Storrow Boss (7 yr. old)
Several Studios filmed the quake/shake yesterday, including segments such as, the 'Judge Judy' TV Court (below.)
(Judge Judy: Filmed about 45-60 min away from epi: Chino Hills, Ca.)
D. Worth was climbing 170 stairs, that flow into the ocean near Venice Beach. Luckily sand 'gives', also aided by a nearly 8 mile depth. Videos: Here., and Here.
Flooding and poor harvests have caused North Korea's worst food crisis since the late 1990s and have put millions at risk, the United Nations' food body said Wednesday. Millions Hungry in North Korea

-Their Website.
W.F.P, HO: 6/20/08
Donors to WFP’s current programme in DPRK include the United States (US$60 million), Republic of Korea (US$20 million), Russian Federation (US$8 million), Switzerland (US$6.6 million), Germany (US$3.4 million), Australia (US$4.2 million), UN CERF (US$2.3 million, for CERF see: http://ochaonline.un.org), Multilateral funds (US$1.9 million), Cuba and Italy (US$1.5 million each), Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Luxembourg and Norway (US$1 million each), Finland (US$737,000), Turkey (US$150,000), Greece (US$ 45,000) and private donors (US$17,000).
Pelosi-Group Deny House debate (American Energy Act Stalled)
More on Video: HERE!

-Pelosi bitterly clings to Eco-groups
Inaction is placing burden on world economy, yet they appear to only think of "winning" in 2008?? Vote them OUT, in Nov!
"I respect the office that I hold," she says. “And when you win the election, you win the majority, and what is the power of the speaker? To set the agenda, the power of recognition, and I am not giving the gavel away to anyone.” read.