
The Preacher Obama Didn't Choose

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

This video could serve as an example of why changing your convictions on important issues, ends up pleasing no one. Barack leads a trail of division; having incensed so many groups (of every denomination) he follows through with his controversial plan to visit Europe. Soon he'll ask a woman to be VP, who holds principals, opposite of he...
Anyway...Here's one of the thousands...

Everyday, more singers to the discourse...
Obama's top 10 flip flops Date: July 2nd (dozens more, today)

Blaming America for not speaking the language of immigrants?
Hot air says:
"No one argues that a second language doesn’t help.. But as:
"Offices produce literature and signs in a multitude of languages; are we to learn all of them instead of having immigrants learn English? Putting the onus of assimilation on the host is not just impractical, it’s downright rude." More.

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