Transferring to "developing Industry Nations" exempt from emissions reduction...

Programs should be handled in a much more balanced way. By excluding developing polluters; we will fail to achieve over-all intended objective... As the wealthiest few, transfer carbon accountability onto those exempt.
We should all hold accountability.
Image: superstock
There is one curious observation:
While Bush is pressured against his request for a bolder commitment from India and China; you just know that most of G8 will transfer majority of Manufacturization to "exempt countries" ill equipped for proper emissions standards... Or Die...
G8 wrangles over climate change, aid to Africa
View Today's Result Manufacturization, below: Transfers pending.

Weak industry data stokes recession fears AFP - 3 hours ago Analysts said that the latest data means that Britain's industrial sector will probably face a recession. "Overall industrial production...
Britain "perilously close to recession” Birmingham Post
British manufacturing output falls 0.5 pct in May; 3-month ...
International Herald Tribune
UK industrial production weakens sharply

Recession threat as UK jobs vanish, United Kingdom - Jul 5, 2008
City economists say that the risk of the current slowdown escalating into Britain's first recession in almost 20 years will be determined by how ...
UK facing rising unemployment threat - report Hemscott
UK Factory Production Weakens to Eight-Month Low (Update2)
Bloomberg - 9 hours ago
Britain's economy is at risk of falling into a recession as house prices slump and surging oil prices squeeze purchasing power. The benchmark FTSE-100 Index ...
Pound Falls, Bonds Advance After UK Manufacturing Contracts Bloomberg
Manufacturing in Germany and Britain shows sharp drops in May
International Herald Tribune, France - 54 minutes ago
While Britain nears its first recession in more than a decade, Germany started this year with its strongest expansion since 1996. ...

German, UK Manufacturing Drop as Growth Slows Across Europe Bloomberg
The Gazette (Montreal), Canada - 11 hours ago More and more signs are pointing to a punishing slowdown - with a recession looking likelier by the day. After 16 years in which Britain's GDP has grown ...
Falling into the abyss?
Times OnlineUK recession fears grow as factory output slidesBusiness Spectator, Australia - 7 hours ago The figures back up the increasingly gloomy picture painted by more up-to-date surveys which show Britain skirting close to its first recession since the ...

Analysis: Mervyn's interest rates dilemma
This is Money, UK - 7 hours ago
Doves are more concerned about the sharp slowdown in economic growth and the growing threat of a stagflationary recession. The Bank cut rates three times ...
Musical chairs unlikely to change inflation plan at Bank of England Times Online