Saudi Abdullah to Increase More Production...Story.

Libya, Algeria, Iran, and Venezuela, Oppose.
-Kuwait, ready to join Saudi Arabia to raise output.
More Reality: Stagnating production from Russia and the North Sea and disruption in Nigeria are also contributing to higher prices, which have touched off strikes, riots and accelerating inflation in nations around the world...
Hunger's global hotspots, continue to be a danger for aid workers: Here.

[Image: WFP]
Truth: Militant interception, and riot-violence, has increased since 1990. It is no longer safe for Peace-workers to deliver aid without weaponry. Blaming the US after 4.5 billion dollar pledge, is insane...
History will say that we misunderestimated George W Bush: More.

The Solution: Terrorist Extremists have a golden opportunity to prove Bush wrong, and stop suicide bombings... At the same-time; humanitarians will have an opportunity to safely deliver aid...
World benefits when developing countries expand rural economies...

[Source: USAID Bangladesh]
Fact: Word crop production, will enable US crop prices to stabilize... We do not know the impact that flood damage may have; as US donates more than double of combined World totals...