Thus simple removal of the 'foreign occupation' alone may be inadequate to mitigate the incidence of suicide attacks. [IMAGE: Ceerwan Aziz]
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Study)
-"Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan (2001-2007)"
C. Christuune Fair, UNAMA report, Sept 2007
Better Read up on the world's chances without troop security: #
Media unfairly judged and thus, undermined our troops...
View the group who interviewed the Taliban...
I doubt if much of the World deserves US soldier protection...
During U.S. Soldier's progress; the most frequent word troops said was:
Why is this not being reported? -Media seems to be working opposite.
MEDIA Preferred to highlight more dramatic news, than progress...
138,000 searches for Taliban...
Jail Break: Taliban Frees Inmates - TIME
Taliban fighters take villages near Kandahar after jailbreak
Hunt on after mass Taliban jail break NEWS.com.au
globeandmail.com: Ottawa to hunt for answers in Taliban jailbreak
The World Today - Taliban taking over villages following jailbreak
Taliban Invades Afghan Villages Following Jailbreak - June 17 ...
France 24 Taliban escape in Afghanistan jail break France 24
Hunt on after Taliban jail break Herald Sun
Believe it: Publicity, as this, will encourage more incident...
And concerning Iraq...
Did you know about: VIDEO: Iraq's Important Sheik Meeting?
"A Reconciliation Conference being held with governor of the Diyala province." Didn't think so... This is significant, and noteworthy.
Instapundit says:
"Remember Those Iraqi Benchmarks? Well, Guess What…
"Democrats no longer talk of the 18 benchmarks for measuring progress in Iraq because so much progress has now taken place."
UPDATE: Iraqi Sheik Offers To Take Fight Story.
Omygosh, this is exactly how I feel...
From (late) Sheik Sattar's brother:
In Washington, Sheik Ahmad also met with some members of Congress. He said he told them that American soldiers should stay in Iraq for at least as long as it takes to rebuild Iraq's national army. The Democratic majority in Congress has tried and failed to mandate deadlines for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq regardless of conditions on the ground...
"We have to rebuild a national Iraqi army, not built on sects, but the same way they built up the Anbar police," he said. "They must be well-armed, so they will be able to protect the country and all the American interests in the area. We also have to make a friendship treaty based on mutual respect between the two parties, and then the United States will be able to withdraw from Iraq, if they wish, and we will succeed in Iraq the same way America succeeded in Japan and Germany." read more.