
Hollywood's Origin is: Mad-think!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
Amidst a world of heavy hearts, one should walk graciously...
But there's something, concerning Hollywood, you might not know:

Chaplin was concerned... that Int'l observers might not understand his films... Until his 'mad-thought' accidentally "bridged the gap!"

The world over!
The Circus (1928) © Roy Export Co.

Hollywood is the theatre of which 'shock reaction' is highly embraced!
Of whose great political minds fail the moratorium on predictability!
Actors hold the candle, & bend the wire in "mad-think!"

Movie Credits: Avec Charlie Chaplin (Adenoid Hynkel, Dictateur de Tomania / le barbier juif), Jack Oakie (Napaloni, Dictateur de Bacteria), Reginald Gardiner (Schultz), Henry Daniell (Garbitsch), Billy Gilbert (Herring)...

Note: Unlikely we will ever find another Chaplin...
But a stage, an audience; & the memory of Chaplin, rolls on!

Wishing you good thoughts and a light heart, people...

Balitaksu Film Festival features Chaplin footage: Story.
"Chaplin's earlier arrival in Jakarta was quite different. He was "mobbed by children in Batavia", says his itinerary before "motoring" to Garoet...
(the West Java town of Garut) and then taking the train to Yogyakarta."

Source.-Jakarta Post's: Trisha Sertori, and Contributor, Gianyar

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