
End of World (Scenario 2003)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
"They waited for the supercomet to follow an unexpectedly far-flung path around the sun; believing Nibiru would fly through the solar system (2003) bringing catastrophic results to our planet."....Believing 90% would perish.

Illusion of 'end' creates so much fear that the present becomes unlivable.
We're the little blue planet which thrives upon faith, & overcomes in humility. Do not bathe the earth in tears; bathe the earth in good thought.

-Lovely music (Deep Forest)

To think that many waited decades (in the worse possible thought) for this moment, now past...When truth reveals that it is 'the consciousness of man' which creates abundance or sorrow, jubilation or strife...
As every day begins anew.
To pull our spirits together, is to think good thoughts upon our grid.

It says: Nibiru,the Planet of the Crossing was foretold by the ancient Sumerian civilization (Babylonia) as passing through our solar system every 3600 years. During its passage it would come close enough to our Earth to create cataclysmic events in the way of climate and earth changes, climaxing with a major pole shift.

If you have little faith in earth...
At least ask a NASA Astrobiologist!
Ask one, right here!

-Sorry, no Planet x or Nibiru here.... :D
(Image Credit) From friend at: atlasoftheuniverse.
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Think good thoughts!

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