
Clinton Campaign: Is that all there is

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

The ‘drag on’ selection of Democrat candidate was wearing... And revealed much more than one cares to empower... But we can agree upon one thing: There are much more urgent events which need attention, than those which "serve the media"...
Post-Election Violence Worsens in Zimbabwe - 21 hours ago
Thousands of others have been beaten, tortured, arrested, kidnapped or chased from their homes since March 29 election, opposition officials say.

Election 08: Presidential, Senate and House Races Updated Daily
Track the electoral college and congressional elections with a red/blue map of the US updated daily using the latest state polls...

Not exactly sure why the Democrats chose the weaker candidate… But when do they say, enough is enough, & move forward? And, how many billions have they paid the media?

Wednesday Eve... HT: Gabriel posts this: The Morning After
And an Ace "Good-bye"... Haha
Not sure what year this is from, but seems appropriate about now...

"Is That All There Is" -Peggy Lee
“This candidacy and this campaign continue on,” Howard Wolfson, the communications director for Sen. Clinton, told CNN on Wednesday morning. “We do have to do well in the remaining contests,” he acknowledged, describing West Virginia, where she is expected to win as handily as she did in neighboring Ohio and Pennsylvania, as “a critically important swing state.” Read more.
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