Just for the record... These are the "Real Arab Men" who represent a stable Iraq... Let us remember, the Awakening was the first to form Reconciliation toward political process; which led to increased safety in Iraq.
BRAVE Sheik Ali Hatem of the Iraqi Sunni Awakening Council speaks out:
My Thoughts...
It is obvious to men, women, and children of Iraq; that it will be the Awakening, who will once again quell the hostilities of the region.
Americans draw close to withdrawing troops with a safe Iraq. Financial help in rebuilding can be done afar... I pray for the Awakening's efforts to realign a fair political process...I'm seeing Iran keep BOTH "the Palestinians and the US" down in crisis!
What can be done...
Increase the chances of Palestinian Statehood, by distancing from the Hamas movement which greatly jeopardizes this... I believe that Palestinians might shift minority status of the Awakening in Iraq, through SAFE (and temporary) percentage of migration to Iraq.
Strength in Unity! Watch how fast:
-1.) Palestinians receive Statehood and Land -2) Awakening more control in Iraq.
Mahfutin Yu-Ras |Sheik M'Diqin Yu-Rfase
King Abdullah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz Al Saud
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
King Abdullah Jordan