
Outdoor Games: MedeO'z (Chamonix 08)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)
-Barbay painting in Moujan for Moscow Exhibit. Recent posts (below)

This Director's cut couples all of the Olympic Wintergames...
(from Feb 08) into one 5-min clip... And is well done! Well done!
La version finale du film MedeO'z pour les Outdoorgames de Chamonix

To learn more about the movie and the project, please visit:

More About: The final "director's cut" of the MedeO'z Team movie, shot and edited in one only week, during the Outdoorgames in Chamonix (February 2008).
This is a 5-minute short film movie featuring 5 different sports: mountaineering, skiing, snowboarding, paragliding and base jumping. All the footage and editing had to be done in five days, from Monday to Friday and had to be shot in the Mount Blanc range!
The movie had to be understandable for the international jury, so they made the voice-over in English. But for those who don’t really understand English:
La version finale du film MedeO'z pour les Outdoorgames de Chamonix
C'est un concours vidéo ou 7 équipes de 12 personnes doivent réaliser un film de 5 minutes en 5 jours, en montrant 5 sports différents (Alpinisme, ski, snowboard, parapente & BASE jump).

La voix off est en anglais car le film devait être obligatoirement compris par un jury international (version française prochainement...). Pour les non-anglophones: l'idée de la vidéo était de réunir le concours photo et le concours vidéo, en racontant l'histoire du photographe Tony Lamiche, qui veut essayer de prendre une seule photo avec tous les sports réunis.
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