
New Ad from John McCain

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

HT: Red State. and instapundit post more...

A Must see...
UPDATE: Ooops, sorry... It Vanished... The song was wonderful. Don't know what year it was from, or the song's name... Aw-well.
A different ad is at his site: But not the one I Referenced.

Which brings me to the Long list of removed candidates, by the Media...
I hope this doesn't sound un-American... But, if I have to have a Media-controlled candiate... I don't want any of the bozos available...
I would prefer:
Putin for President of the United States...
That way we have skilled leadership in difficult times, with basically the same amount of Freedoms as are exercised in these 2008 Media-driven elections!

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