James Joyner has this: Recession, depression, or Neither?
And points us to the John Lott analysis:
"The news media have generated a lot of fear. #
Ben Stein has a point when he says:
"The actual economic conditions are not that bad. I think if we have a recession, if we have a serious recession, a great deal will lie at the media’s feet." Hopefully a little perspective will enter the picture before even more harm is done"...#Lou Minatti points out the last paragraph of this article in the independent.co.uk
"After declaring that the US is in an economic depression, the final paragraph reads: And the next monthly job numbers, to be released this Friday, are likely to show 50,000 more jobs were lost nationwide in March, and the unemployment rate is up to perhaps 5 per cent."Lou Minatti then points out the UK's 5.2% unemployment rate.
And quotes UK's Minister of State for Employment:A silly (but wide-read) paper, but think about it... America is attracting the wealthiest of Britain in real estate deals, and might likely be fortunate enough to end up with UK's 'primary TAXED' (should they decide to immigrate.)
"Once again this is a strong set of figures. There have never been more people in work in the UK. Our employment rate of 74.8% continues to be above that of most other countries within the EU."
Encouragement is the right thing to do, for an ally who has helped so much!