
Left's Failure to Accept Election Defeat in (04) -Likely to Repeat- (08)

Posted by D. Worth (US)- For M. Barbay (France)

But it's still not enough reason to place Marxist leadership and burdeonsome tax hikes on the most productive of American tax-payers... Especially during a recession! The most unavoidable dynamic of any Socialist program is:
"Keeping those who voted for handouts,
from being the only available TAXED."
Mark Noonan says, "The Democratic battle weakens the Democrats day by day, and Dean is worried." But I say, an election outcome is up to the people, as expressions of what each candidate has to offer. It is the people (not media or party organizer) who must decide...
The media has shifted this election into a horse-race...
More later... But then again, maybe not...

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