This is absolutely Impressive... Hikers climb to the peak of this eruption, to see a violent fountain of molten lava... Sounds 'beat' to the rhythm of ocean waves... Made even more dramatic at night! ...Clip Duration: 09:20
Note 8:11 of this clip: The dark brown sulphur (CO2) clouds! Who is going to pay for all of this CO2! (Haha) By the way, today's active Volcanoes, are on the rise, and far too numerous to mention... But, don't try this at home, people! If you must... Don't forget the marshmallows!

Caption: "We spent a night in the 50m volcanic crater de la Fournaise, increase a little sound to be in the mood, he would certainly that the tremors from the ground and the smell of sulphur."
Légende: "Nous avons passé une nuit à 50m du cratère éruptif de la Fournaise, augmentez un peu le son pour être dans l'ambiance, il ne manquera que les tremblements du sol et l'odeur de souffre."
Volcanos I suggest that you 'DO NOT visit right now!
Indonesian volcano Mount Egon spews ash, residents evacuated
Reuters - April 16, 2008
Thousands flee erupting Colombian volcano CNN - April 15, 2008
More Earth Changes...
Clusters of earthquakes reported off Oregon coast continues Vancouver Sun - April 16, 2008
Unusual 600+ Earthquake Swarm Off Oregon Coast Puzzles Scientists Science Daily - April 14, 2008