
From 'the Big Bang' to Tuesday Morning

-Posted by D. Worth (US) for- M. Barbay (France)

A somewhat bazaar synchronicity for a Tuesday... The discovery of the clip (below) on the March 4th anniversary of the birth of George Gamow...
(Ukrainian born physicist and cosmologist.)

About: Gamow developed the Big Bang theory of cosmology, using it to predict the existence of Cosmic background radiation, and his insight that DNA nucleotides probably formed a "a triplet code of four symbols" was influential on very important research and discoveries in genetics...
Full Wikification (below) *Tad skippy in beginning, sorry

Animation: Claude Cloutier; 5 min 53 sec
From 'the Big Bang' to Tuesday Morning Link

George Gamow (March 4, 1904 - August 19, 1968)
A Ukrainian born physicist and cosmologist. Gamow is considered one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. His most important achievement is the discovery of the quantum tunneling effect. He worked on subjects including the radioactive decay of atomic nucleus, stellar evolution, stellar nucleosynthesis, big bang nucleosynthesis, stellar nucleocosmogenesis and genetics.

Working on a painting exhibit, with expressed plans to travel to Moscow for exhibit... Though no specific time-line, at present... I'm interested in the direction of the Art market in this country... Time will tell...

ps: If you've arrived at this site from Russia, I appreciate your insight.

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