
Total Éclipse of the Moon (Feb. 20-21)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

With moonlight on the horizon, and a starry sky... Northern Milky Way provides the background for a dramatic view of the World at Night.
-NASA Official: Phillip Newman #

Click-Image- Larger View!
Credit & Copyright: Stefan Seip (TWAN)

The imposing structure in the foreground houses the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), on Mount Graham, Arizona (USA!)
"The benefits of the large scale binocular configuration adopted include an increase in sensitivity over a single mirror telescope and high resolution imaging for faint objects over a relatively wide field of view." -An international collaboration operates the LBT Observatory.
Wednesday's Total Lunar Eclipse! Chart: Visibility of Eclipse

Lovely Video from Daniel! -Musique: Terri Moise
Pièce musicale: Je serai là
Wishing you a Wonderful weekend... M.B.

Trace the Path of the Moon through Earth's umbral and penumbral shadows; during the Total Lunar Eclipse More
During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray...

An eclipse of the Moon can only take place at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped parts, one nested inside the other. Read more
The outer shadow or penumbra is a zone where Earth blocks some (but not all) of the Sun's rays. In contrast, the inner shadow or umbra is a region where Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.

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