
Pirate-ships & Periphery: Resurfacing Grid

Today, advanced technology is helping us to create expert mapping from sky to greatest depths of the sea... The latest technology, used in underwater exploration/excavation; is also producing a remarkable success in recovering lost ships...And I believe is aided by the ever changing underwater landscape.
Live Science: Captain Kidd Ship Found
"The find is valuable because of what it could reveal about William Kidd and piracy in the Caribbean, said John Foster, California's state underwater archaeologist, who is participating in the research." Story
View BBC clip: 400 yr. old ship found virtually intact at bottom of Baltic.
(Sure to re-write some of the most popularly held MYTHS of history!)
And check this out... Just spoke with Friend, Archeologist, Scientist, and time-traveler Dr. "H" (Alexandria) who says:
"As we enter an over-lapping grid-phenomenon of 'Conquests & Land shifts'... The lost ships of the pirates may shed light on the dangers that the Pirates (Terrorists) placed upon Regional World populations... And lend a whole new reality to the History of the "Imperialists" who sought only to defend themselves...
And instead, ended up Conquering the World!
*Translated from Arabic...
Dr. "H" says, "This 'over-lapping grid-phenomenon' which currently befalls us; is a magnetic-loop' which is shifting psyche of planet... in split-layers."
He says that many Quakes will evolve...
Followed by the return of the resurrection of:
Monarchy/Parliamentary Rule by the Kingdoms of the West!

More later...Filed under Dr. "H"

Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field
Satellite View: Look up any changes
World Weather Movie: Updated video This DivX animation movie
Shows cloud movements, hurricane tracks, earthquake and volcanic activity from the last 48 hours. Updates happen every 12 hours from midnight GMT. Changes every 24 hours

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