Many important launches, discoveries, and mapping explorations have set 2008 in position for significant breakthroughs! With the Technical expertise and great enthusiasm of our team of Int'l NASA experts; 2007 was the busiest and most productive year recorded...
View a few of these important highlights!
Astronomers find new planets and believe
that billions of habitable planets exist...
• 28 new planets found outside our solar system in the past year."You might think the weather is bad today...
• Scientists: There could be billions of habitable planets out there
• Four of the solar systems have multiple planets
• "Our home is not a rarity in the universe"
-Astronomer Geoffrey Marcy | HT: golem
But just try spending some time on our neighboring planets!
View: VIDEO: Alien Weather.
And last... This remarkable site tracks:
Science, and Planetary Catastrophe...
Ancient testimony, recorded on clay tablets, papyrus, and stone repeatedly speaks of world shattering catastrophe--the earth sinking beneath the waves of a great deluge; the onslaught of a flaming dragon; or a devastating rain of fire and gravel.
Such nightmares were recorded by every culture...
-Quick Tour: Slide-Show