
It's Media's War: "Anything for a Story"

Myths circulated by media and politicians have done nothing to quell conflicts... If anything, they have served to weaken the World's ability to address terrorism; while embroiling greater hatred and Radicalization in the Middle East.

Writing "what could have happened" and presenting it as News; is likely to have produced the current consequence... Today, we're seeing the significance of writing, demonstrated in the Hollywood writer's strike; amidst a paralyzed Industry.

And it looks like Fresh Faux News is: definitely in the lead.
Click-View-Video: Today's Al Durah Story (From French Trial)

Read Pajama’s Media:
Al-Dura and the "Public Secret" of Middle East Journalism
Full story of AlDurah: Basic outline
Al Durah Affair: The full Dossier

Question: Who shot this little boy? The fact is... As a result of this incident; many innocent people lost their lives in the Bin Laden attacks!

(The Evidence speaks for itself.)

This from Glen at Instapundit: The evidence emerging from the ongoing Al Dura trial in France indicates that Western journalists are fully aware that some of the footage they use in their reports on Mideast conflict is staged.
"When confronted with the pervasive evidence of staging in the case of Al Dura, the reaction of France 2, which ran the story, has been essentially that 'everybody does it.'"

What would possess MSM News writers to air a faux News story without concern for accuracy? And then deliberately send it across continents...
Augean Stables lists:
12 Myths of 21st-Century War by Ralph Peters
"Ignorance of the terrible price our troops had to pay for freedom in the past creates absurd expectations about our present conflicts. When the media offer flawed or biased analyses, the public lacks the knowledge to make informed judgments"

Read the full 12 myth Article

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