
Burma, Miyanmar - An Undercover Story

Aung San Suu kyi says, "Burma is heading for Democracy,
and not because of the investors or any other reason."

Thus begins an era of the International rise of Universal Rights...
Burma, a Nation with striking parallels to Indonesia and East Timor; is revealed in this secretly filmed 'must watch' Documentary (below)
"The Land of Fear."

You want an understanding of this conflict? Watch in full! "John Pilger and David Munro go undercover in one of the world's most isolated and extraordinary countries, Burma. A country called, 'a prison without bars' by Amnesty International; the crew discovered slave labour, as it was preparing for tourism & foreign investment...
The blame must turn to 'Unity toward resolve'...

Visit: John Pilger's website

Latest Update: The generals, backed by foreign power, are on their way to seeing their last days... The double-faced ignorance requires awareness, and organized unity…
-United States, imposed strict sanctions across the board; and has asked full cooperation from neighboring countries. View the latest information.

Speak-out and never let up! Together the World can use UNITY to end the suffering for those who courageously tried to rise above! And in this... I pray that tens of thousands will no longer suffer unspeakable atrocities.

Amist the world's full support for struggles toward Freedom; the people have already decided they MUST be Free...
A calling card... for regimes of the world.
The Monks have opened the path toward Freedom.

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