
Iraq's Elite Special Forces: Among Best

A merging deterrent... and enemy of indiscriminate terror attacks in Iraq. Iraq's Elite Special Forces, rival many of the World's best...(including US)
These warriors are said to treat everyone with respect and dignity...
Reporter Lara Logan Gets an Exclusive Look at Iraq's E.S.F. In Action...
Take a look at the people who are seriously trying to save their country... Their enemies are 'un-uniformed fanatics' and affiliates of those determined to ideologize and bomb many Nations of our our World...

Pakistan could use these elite forces, right about now...
Today, more woes for Pakistan, as Terrorists try to create a split in the Pakistani Government... And the Liberal opposition are feeding right into it...
A description of the struggle we all face against terrorism, is best described :
"It will require a relentless global campaign, joined by those in the Muslim world who are repulsed by al-Qa'ida's savagery, to expose the terrorists for what they are: peddlers of a hopeless, negative, backward vision of the world." — Michael V. Hayden (CIA)

Tailor's shop blown up in Bajaur -Rantburg
And the Iht: Wardrobe Bombers in Kasi, Pakistan
"Suspected militants blew up a tailor’s shop on Thursday in northwest Pakistan for making Western clothes, an official said. The pre-dawn blast also damaged two other nearby shops in Kasi, a village in the tribally governed Bajur region...Militants recently warned the tailor to stop making Western-style clothes, which they view as “un-Islamic”.#
For those who are not aware... The holy City of Varanasi now called Kasi (formerly Benares) is one of the oldest rail trade hubs of the Hindus; and home of the most beautiful shrines in the World... Sadly, many Hindu religious sites & history were destroyed during the Muslim invasions...and many remaining structures date around the 17th Century.
-Homeland Security posts a SERIOUS travel advisory... (heh)

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