I have seen the young eagles of my country who have bravely flown to the need of many... And whether it was to protect those delivering aid, or to fight for the honor of our Nation; I long for a President who will encourage the future of a warm yet strong America, who knows that the key to Unity, Security and Prosperity lies not in ones strength, but ones relatedness.
Thompson 2008Fred Thompson reminds us of the importance of choosing wisely: "A Government that is big enough to do everything for us,
is Powerful enough to do anything to us." # VIEW VIDEO: Our Fred Thompson!"The Framers drew their design for our Constitution from a basic understanding of human nature. From the wisdom of the ages and from fresh experience, they understood the better angels of our nature, and the less admirable qualities of human beings entrusted with power.""The Framers believed in free markets, rights of property and the rule of law, and they set these principles firmly in the Constitution. Above all, the Framers enshrined in our founding documents, and left to our care, the principle that rights come from our Creator and not from our government." Read more
Thompson 2008
VIEW VIDEO: Thompson warmth & Humor! To restore Unity to American Values... And to restore Congress to levels at which it was its best. No better President can America expect to have...
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